Break Free From Social Anxiety
Do you struggle with your social anxiety? Are you fed up with worrying about what other people think and how they may be judging you? Would you like to feel comfortable around others and be yourself?
Your social anxiety will mean that you worry about what other people may think and whether they are assessing, criticising you or judging you negatively. You may worry before events involving others and try and find an excuse to get out of being there. Or maybe you force yourself to go into those social situations yet you feel tense and on edge throughout. It is common for those with social anxiety to be very self critical and to dwell on what they did (or didn't) say and do around others.
Yet you could soon break free from your social anxiety so that you feel good enough and worthy, knowing you deserve to enjoy life and feeling wonderful being the real you.
Is This You?
If you currently struggle with social anxiety you will feel anxious about situations involving others, worrying about what others may think about what you say, how you look or what you do. The intensity of your anxiety may vary depending on who you are with and what you are doing, yet it will still be there, lurking at the back of your mind and ready to resurface and leave you feeling uncomfortable.
It is particularly likely to be there if you need to speak in public, such as in social groups, meetings and presentations. It can also be very common in exam and test environments or where you know you will be judged or assessed.
You may imagine anxious scenarios, be self critical and play over events afterwards, feeling anxious about what others may have been thinking about you.
But you can soon end the grip of social anxiety so that you can feel relaxed around others, without worrying what they think about you. So let's break the spell of that anxiety and help you start to feel calm, confident and in control...

How We Will Abolish Your Anxiety
Working together we will get straight to work abolishing your social anxiety.
1. I will help you to understand your social anxiety and where all those anxious thoughts and feelings came from - and how they keep themselves going...
2. I will teach you how to take control over your social anxiety so you can immediately feel calmer, more confident and more in control around others.
3. Through our sessions we will abolish your social anxiety so you can start enjoying life - free to be yourself whoever you are with. How good will that feel?
Are you ready to Abolish Your Social Anxiety right now?
Let's get started right away on moving from anxiety and worry to calmness and confidence.
Call 01353 669941 or e-mail and ask to book your free initial consultation.
I'm looking forward to helping you abolish your social anxiety...