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October 29, 2015Do you have a dentist fear? Maybe the thought of going to the dentist fills you with dread and fear, and it may be that you have managed to avoid going to the dentist for years.
But then when you do need to go to the dentist, maybe because you’d damaged a tooth or have tooth pain that needs checking or work, you feel scared and panicky about the whole dental experience.
And whether your fear is about injections, having dental work done, the drill, the dentist or the whole thing, in this article I’ll share how you can start to abolish your dental fear.
Dental phobia is one of the most common phobias that people suffer with and can create huge levels of anxiety and panic (not to mention tooth decay and pain if you don’t get dental check ups).
No one is born with a fear of the dentist so somewhere along the way you learnt to have dental fear – whether you had an uncomfortable experience, or a previous panic at the dentist or you learnt it from watching others – you can soon learn to let go of that fear and go to the dentist calmly.
How To End Dentist Fear
Here are 3 things you can do today that will start to extinguish your fear of the dentist:
- Find a dentist you feel comfortable with. Look around at local dentists, read reviews and ask friends and relatives for recommendations (it’s very likely that you know others who have a fear of the dentist so ask around). And when you go to the dentist make sure you mention your fears.
- Learn effective relaxation techniques and practice them consistently. You can use relaxing breathing techniques, music, self hypnosis, relaxing visualisations and any other techniques that make you feel relaxed and comfortable. Practice them before your appointments so you can use them when you sit back in the dentist chair.
- Use the power of your mind to feel calm and in control. Practice relaxing and when you feel calm and comfortable, imagine watching yourself going to the dentist calmly and confidently. See yourself in the waiting room, in the dental chair and all the way until you leave the appointment, everything having gone well. As you practice it, make it more real and vivid in your mind and build in more details, such as seeing yourself calm and in control with the sound of the drill.
Abolish Dental Anxiety
Practice the above techniques and if you need additional help then let me know.
Dental fear is so common yet need not be a barrier to a healthy mouth and teeth because this is a typical example of feedback I receive:
“For the last 40 years I have had a fear of any kind of dental treatment, even telephoning to make an appointment would fill me with dread. After once again going through all the fear and anxiety of just having a check up, I decided that I needed some help.
I could not face the two appointments that were required, so I contacted Dan. His techniques have been so helpful and have completely changed how I feel about going.I have now had the dental appointments and was amazed at how calm and relaxed I felt during the lead up to both appointments, whilst sitting in the waiting room and once in the dentists chair, having the work done. I had no fear at all. Amazing when I think how I would of felt before, so Dan I cannot thank you enough.” Jane, Ely, Cambridgeshire
And imagine how good it would feel to end your dentist fear so you could go to the dentist feeling calm and in control…
Dan Regan
Abolish Anxiety