May 4, 2016

How To Be More Confident

How to be more confident: Could you use more confidence in some areas of your life?

Anxiety, panic and fear have a way of eroding your confidence levels as your mind fills with what-ifs, worst cases and worrying thoughts.

Having struggled in the past with low confidence and self-esteem, I now love helping people find the self-belief they need to follow their dreams. I speak from experience when I say that all that worry and anxiety can be a thing of the past for you.

In this article you’ll find 5 ways that show you how to be more confident. All you need to do is apply them.

February 18, 2016

Conquer Phone Anxiety & Fear

Do you struggle with phone anxiety and a fear of talking on the phone?

Although e-mail, text and messaging have grown massively in recent years and can be incredibly useful, most of us at some point in our work, family and social lives are going to need to answer a phone call or make one.

If you struggle with a fear of talking on the phone, what may look easy to others, can become a source of huge anxiety, worry and concern.

So in this article I’ll be covering how you can conquer your phone anxiety and overcome your fear of talking on the phone.

January 7, 2016

Creating Calm Free Hypnosis MP3

Do you struggle with your anxiety, panic and fear? Do you find it hard to calm all those anxious thoughts and feelings enough to think clearly? Could you use some help to feel calmer and more in control?

If so, then my Creating Calm free hypnosis MP3 will really help you!

If you could benefit from feeling calmer, more in control and more relaxed, then this free hypnosis audio will really help you because I’ve specifically designed it to help you start creating more calm within the storm of your anxiety and worry.

October 29, 2015

A Simple Way to Weaken Social Anxiety

Social anxiety can strike in any situation where you are around others and need to interact. And it can be particularly acute if you feel you can’t escape such as in a meeting or when speaking in public.

So here I share a simple technique that will help start to soften the grip of your social anxiety.

With social anxiety there is that underlying fear and worry about what other people may be thinking about you – that fear of being judged or criticized. And that fear generated those what ifs – what if I mess up , what if I say something stupid or dry up, what if they think I’d weird or an idiot and so on.