October 24, 2016

Anxiety: Is This The Age Of Anxiety?

The 1920s and 1930s are considered the ‘Golden Age of Crime’ when authors such as Agatha Christie, Dorothy L Sayers and Anthony Berkeley were household names whose work was eagerly lapped up by avid readers.

Approaching a century later, will this period come to be known as the ‘Golden Age of Anxiety’?

Today, household names are more likely to be one of the dozens of brands of anti-depressants prescribed to try and quell the ever rising time of anxiety and depression. Figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre put this into stark figures with the number of anti-depressants given to patients in England having doubled in a decade (61 million prescriptions in 2015).

That’s not to suggest that any of these prescriptions were unwarranted, unnecessary or even unhelpful.

August 6, 2016

Low Self Esteem and How To Build It Up

Low self esteem can create an endless cycle of ongoing anxiety, stress and all the associated feelings of not being good enough or being worthless.

It’s like you’ve been conditioned or trained to undervalue yourself.

And the more you have put this into practice over the years by blaming yourself, putting yourself last and criticising yourself, the more you may have wearily just assumed that this is the way it is for you, no matter how much you would like to feel better. but that would just be the anxiety and low self esteem talking.

Because it is possible to learn how to have a healthy level of self esteem that will help you feel happier, confident and better about yourself and what you are capable of.

August 1, 2016

Fear of Public Speaking & Ending The Dread

Fear of Public Speaking and Ending The Dread

Do you have a terror of public speaking? Does just the thought of public speaking fill you with dread?

The fear of public speaking can leave you anxious about possibly being asked to speak in front of others, whether that is speaking on a conference call, delivering a presentation or making a speech. In fact, fear of public speaking is often considered to be the most common fear out there.

And whilst you may be comfortable talking one on one or to a few people, once the numbers increase, so does the panic and worry.

You may have become an expert at getting out of public speaking, yet the threat of it looms large and sooner or later those excuses for getting out of it start to run out. Or maybe you’ve been forcing yourself through that draining anxiety, just wishing you could find a way to calmly and confidently speak, without it taking over your life beforehand.

So if you struggle with public speaking anxiety, what can you do about it to turn it into a more pleasant, even enjoyable, experience?

July 31, 2016

Struggling with Anxiety? 5 Top Tips To Break Free

Struggling with anxiety?

Have you been struggling with anxiety? Recent research suggests that anxiety levels remain high as we all cope to deal with the modern pace, pressures and demands of life.

Research also suggests that, whilst anxiety can strike anyone, women are twice as likely to have anxiety as men.

In light of this, I recently appeared in the Daily Mail Online giving my top five tips on how you can break free from anxiety. Check them out in the article below.